Monday, March 25, 2019

The Cross of Miraculous - Old Goa

Darren Fernandes
F.Y.BCOM B     C183223

On February 23 hundreds of faithful will be descending at Cruz dos Milagres church at old Goa to celebrate the feast of miraculous cross.

Located on the south bank of the river Mandovi, upstream from the capital Panaji, Old Goa is today a site of tourist consumption for the best part of the year. From a sea of palms rise a few majestic buildings, set on the lawns that typically denote a site protected by the Archaeological Survey of India . Mostly churches and convents, these monuments are usually thronged by tourists and those catering to them. The only relief is during festive occasions on the Catholic calendar, when Worshippers may outnumber the tourists. But even this worship gets sold as a tourist attraction.

This is of course not all that remains of the Cidade de Goa, reputedly one of the biggest global entrepôts of 500 years ago, and the heart of the Estado da Índia, the Portuguese maritime empire that stretched from the African coast to Japan. There are many ignored remains of the old city getting weathered away in the groves (Wilson 2015), and crying out for excavation before they disappear. There is also much that is scattered all around Goa and even beyond. The capital of the Estado was a huge place, in terms of space, wealth and importance, and it is no exaggeration to say that it continues to exert its influence over the Goa of today.


The  miraculous cross and it's church in old city of Goa has an interesting history behind it.The old city of Goa was called the "Rome of the East". In this city there existed as many as 38 churches,chapels & convents. It was the capital city of the Portuguese Empire and the centre of christianity in the east. It is understood that today only 13 churches and chapels are standing in the old city of Goa. The city of old Goa is valley in between 3 hills. The third hill which is called 'Boa Vista' (Hill of the good view) Houses the church of the cross of miracles (Cruz dos Milagres)

According to the history in the year 1619 a miracle took place on the third hill. Some shepherds who used to graze the cattle on the hill made the cross and planted it on the hill. Red flags were miraculously seen flying about Boa Vista hill. At night rays of bright light were seen emanating from the sky and falling on the cross. Later on a crucified human being  was also seen on the cross by the locals which was unwrapped in dazzling light and the body covered with wounds. At that point of time the cross which was 3 yard tall grew to 5 yard. The news of the miraculous happening grew like wild fire. Many sick people who came to the the phenomenon were healed of their sickness.

From 1961 Goans began to celebrate the mass on 23 of every month in the church of the Holy cross on Boa Vista hill. The dilapidated church was rebuilt and the devotion on the miraculous cross was renewed. "Canjie" was served to the pilgrims in the remembrance of Blessed Joseph Vaz who has been cananized. 

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